1969年,E. B. 写了一篇关于第一次月球漫步的短评。这篇短评一共修改了六次,我们这里放出第三稿和最后一稿(第六稿)。大家可以先读读看看,有什么差别。
Planning a trip to the moon differs in no essential respect from planning a trip to the beach. You have to decide what to take along, what to leave behind. Should the thermos jug go? The child's rubber horse? The dill pickles? These are the sometimes fateful decisions on which the success or failure of the whole outing turns.
Something goes along that spoils everything because it is always in the way; something gets left behind that is desperately needed for comfort or for safety.
The men who drew up the moon list for the astronauts planned long and hard and well. (Should the vacuum cleaner go, to suck up moondust?)
Among the items they sent along, of course, was the little jointed flagpoles and the flag that could be stiffened to the breeze that did not blow. (It is traditional among explorers to plant the flag.) Yet the two men who stepped out on the surface of the moon were in a class by themselves and should have been equipped accordingly: they were of the new breed of men, those who had seen the earth whole.
When, following instructions, they colored the moon red, white, and blue, they were fumbling with the past—or so it seemed to us, who watched, trembling with awe and admiration and pride. This moon plant was the last scene in the long book of nationalism, one that could have well been omitted.
按照指示,当他们将月亮变成红色,白色和蓝色时,他们正在摸索着过去 - 或者在我们看来,他们看上去,激动,敬畏和骄傲地颤抖着。这个登月事件是民族主义长篇书中的最后一个不可以略过的场景。
The moon still holds the key to madness, which is universal, still controls the tides that lap on shores everywhere, still guards lovers that kiss in every land under no banner but the sky. What a pity we couldn't have forsworn our little Iwo Jima scene and planted instead a banner acceptable to all—a simple white handkerchief, perhaps, symbol of the common cold, which, like the moon, affects us all!
The moon, it turns out, is a great place for men. One-sixth gravity must be a lot of fun, and when Armstrong and Aldrin went into their bouncy little dance, like two happy children, it was a moment not only of triumph but of gaiety.
The moon, on the other hand, is a poor place for flags. Ours looked stiff and awkward, trying to float on the breeze that does not blow. (There must be a lesson here somewhere.) It is traditional, of course, for explorers to plant the flag, but it struck us, as we watched with awe and admiration and pride, that our two fellows were universal men, not national men, and should have been equipped accordingly.
Like every great river and every great sea, the moon belongs to none and belongs to all. It still holds the key to madness, still controls the tides that lap on shores everywhere, still guards the lovers that kiss in every land under no banner but the sky. What a pity that in our moment of triumph we did not forswear the familiar Iwo Jima scene and plant instead a device acceptable to all: a limp white handkerchief, perhaps, symbol of the common cold, which, like the moon, affect us all, unites us all!
在草稿6中,他在他的第三句话中陈述了他正在解决的问题 - "the moon is a poor place for flags"。在草稿3中,他没有表明这一点,直到句子开始"Yet",而不是直接说明;但这句话通过简明扼要地阐述早先暗示的想法,并作出了总结。使得主张更加清晰。
相应地,修改突出了一个位于早期草稿的中间或结尾处的论点。删掉了开头的“海滩之旅”的介绍。作者在草稿3中开头对海滩之旅的描写的分类,表示了作者对这例子的喜爱,但实际上这个例子对他突出论点意义不大,甚至浪费了篇幅。所以,他换成了"he bouncy dance",比“沙滩之旅”的例子更加简明形象,而且趣味精要的多。