


SAT Essay写作技巧及常用句型分享

  SAT Essay考察学生的阅读、分析和写作能力。在50分钟内,考生需要阅读理解一篇650-750词的essay,分析作者如何构建论点说服读者,并运用原文证据完成基于分析的写作。下面Australiaway小编就给同学们分析一下SAT Essay写作如何完成吧!
sat essay写作
sat essay写作技巧
  首先应阅读文章后面方框的 ‘Prompt’:Write an essay in which you explain how [the author] builds an argument to persuade [his/her] audience that [author’s claim]. 其中 ‘author’s claim’ 就是我们重点关注的作者论点,以此确定我们阅读原文时的方向:作者运用了什么方法以及如何运用这种方法来使读者相信他的观点。
  回原文阅读时,紧扣「证据」,「推理」,「修辞」三方面,在句子旁边进行简要批注。比如,阅读一个段落时,考虑作者是否列举了事实和数据,或者运用了推理,还是通过 ‘pathos’ 引起读者的共鸣,这都是我们在阅读时应该考虑的要点。比如在快速阅读完以下段落后,即可批注 ‘fact-survey&study’。
  According to the 2002 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts, a population study designed and commissioned by National Endowment for the Arts(and executed by the US Bureau of the Census),arts participation by Americans has declined for eight of the nine major forms that are measured…..The declines have been most severe among younger adults(ages 18-24).The most worrisome finding in the 2002 study, however, is the declining percentage of Americans, especially young adults, reading literature.
  文章的阅读技巧是综合性的,需要理解与分析这两个能力的互相配合,因此,牢记 ‘Practice makes perfect’,多读多分析,才能征服SAT写作!
  SAT Essay写作金句指南:
  Readers will sympathize with the author产生共鸣
  Readers will ponder about 深思 contemplate about 深思
  Readers will be receptive to author’s claim接受作者的观点
  Readers will be inclined to listen and be persuaded愿意倾听
  Readers will be more likely to accept author’s claim接受作者的观点
  Readers will be more willing to embrace author’s claim接受作者的观点
  Readers will be motivated to act
  Readers will get out of chair to act on it
  Readers will turn a decision into commitment
  Readers will follow the author’s call and take actions
  如果文中读到了I, my
  联想到personal anecdote, 个人的趣闻轶事
  联想到personal stories,个人的故事
  联想到personal experience,个人的经历
  (unforgettable, memorable impressive修饰experience)
  Personal anecdotes can be powerful, relatable更激发共鸣
  /thought-provoking 发人深思的
  Personal stories help us connect with our audiences and make our messages resonate in people’s minds.