



  如果说申请的过程就是一个自我营销(Personal Branding)的过程,这个展示的过程有两个重要因素,一个是产品本身——申请者自身的背景和能力,一个是包装——如何按照招生官的需求呈现申请者最好的一面。在包装里,文书是受到最大重视,也是很多同学最头疼的部分。小编立志每周为大家解读一段文书书写和修改的解析,争取将我们常见的文书写作中的问题以可观的方式呈现出来。今天Australiaway小编将要介绍的是文书Essay写作指导。
  Admission officer/商学院希望看申请人是否能够在短时间内很好的将自己融入到一个全新的团队/项目里。并且在之后的学习中能够很好的和自己的同学或teammates合作达到最好的结果,能够很好的和其他团队/项目成员发生好的化学反应,相互促进提高。
  在了解了出题目的以后,我们才能更清楚的知道,teamwork essay应该从哪些方面去展现自己。
  但是我们也发现在teamwork这一类文书写作的过程中,很多同学会有一些忽略的细节,比如Teamwork的定义里面“Teamwork is the actions of individuals,brought together for a common purpose or goal,which subordinate the needs of the individual to the needs of the group.”请一定注意这句话。在Teamwork essay的写作中,我们通常会阐述以下内容:
  以上是理论部分,接下来我们看看实战中怎么样去写一篇出彩的teamwork essay,这里我们还是首先会提到写作结构,这里再次安利万能的PAR结构。
  我们在PAR结构基础上进行了一些优化,比如可以在PAR的基础上加入了project introduction;也可以在PAR的基础上,将result前置,让整个文书开头部分更加令人印象深刻。
  或者可以在文章结尾部分和项目的特点结合在一起写,比如我们之前有一位人大申请到Chicago MBA的同学就在essay结尾处说希望用自己之前轮滑社的经历,在Booth创办第一届轮滑社。
  Booth在面试的时候以及最后的录取offer里面都提到了:非常希望学生能够在Chicago Booth成功创办轮滑社。
  在文章的结尾部分,我们结合上述故事线呈现结构,用一位成功申请到CMU MSCF的学生文书为例,让大家有一个更直观的感觉。
  After I came to Michigan,I realized that,compared to Ross School of Business,Michigan offered fewer resources to help its engineering and LSA students prepare for financial careers,who generally lacked awareness of the industry and the interview skills.I co-founded the Quant Finance&Investment Club to address this
  challenge,knowing it would be an uphill climb to train students and woo recruiters.
  ——Situation and Result
  I first approached students with financial industry exposure to form the new board.Second,my team and I persuaded Citibank Beijing and UBS Ann Arbor to offer our club members seventeen internship opportunities in total.Third,we persuaded Blue Trading Center in Ross to open to our club where Bloomberg Terminal became available.We created financial mathematics seminars with Professor David Nasha,vice director of undergraduate mathematics program.These early initiatives attracted more than 100 students.To grow our member’s financial experience,we grouped our members into nine trading teams to compete against each other for the internship opportunities in Citibank and UBS.I even networked with financial engineering masters to teach us creating option pricing models.
  The biggest challenge was putting QIC on recruiters’radar.My team and I attended each company presentation in the business school to directly market our club to recruiters.Recruiters from Morgan Stanley,Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas were persuaded to give separate presentations to our club and separate interviews for our member.Last spring,9 QIC members found internships in investment banking industry in developed markets,who came back later and took the leadership roles this semester.
  ——Challenges and Action,Result
  This November,UBS Manager Tim Barry commented to QIC’s board:“I have witnessed many prepared students from QIC for our industry in terms of interview skills and industry understanding.”Our team and I gained the experience of defining an opportunity,pursuing it,organizing around it,and making a real impact.I am proud that we helped many students reach a turning point in life,and more importantly,our board will help more LSA and engineering students to explore the finance world.