1.What you say when concluding your essay or argument
in conclusion
In conclusion,the results of our study suggest that this type of diet is perfectly safe.
to summarize/to sum up
To summarize:there are many reasons why people commit crime.
To sum up,in 1922 the Soviet government found itself in a situation similar to the one faced by the Tsars.
You use to summarize and to sum up at the start of the final paragraph of an essay or article.They can be followed either by a colon or a comma.
something can be summarized as follows
The organization's main aim can be summarized as follows:to create opportunities for students to learn a wide range of computer skills.
the following conclusion(s)may be drawn
The following conclusions may be drawn from these figures.Firstly,the US economy is moving out of recession.Secondly,there are no grounds for concern about its immediate future.
the main conclusion to be drawn
The main conclusion to be drawn from this discussion is that the best way to help slow readers is to improve their skill at recognizing individual words.
2.Saying again what your aims were at the conclusion of an essay
the purpose/aim of this...was to
The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to reduce the amount of salt in bread without spoiling its taste.
in this...I have tried/attempted to
In this essay,I have tried to set out the main events that led to the start of the First World War.
In this report,we have attempted to demonstrate that although nuclear power is cleaner than using gas or coal,it is more expensive in the long-term.