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文章来源:网络整理  文章作者:Australiaway  发布时间:2020-03-04 16:49:58   浏览次数: 次  字数:9157 字  文章关键词:essay代写

文章导读:本文是一篇关于认识方式和认识领域的 Essay代写 范文,供大家参考学习。直觉判断字面上是指没有任何思考就做出的决定。我认为,它与直觉相似,直觉的定义是一个人在没有经过任何...
  Instinctive judgment literally means the decisions made without any thinking.It is,I think,similar to intuition,which is defined as a person who thinks of a solution without going through any conscious process of reasoning.I strongly agree with the statement that ways of knowing can help us to check our judgments,whether instinctive or not.
  From being very young,our parents keep telling us a simple principle that we should not judge a book by its cover.However,for example,when we grow up and see a person,our brains will decide whether this person is attractive or trustworthy in the blink of an eye.This is because these judgments are actually based on our past experiences.In my opinion,this can be easily explained by the influence of perception and language on our knowing,which are two ways of knowing.Also,it can be further illustrated by the judgments in science experiment and daily life.
  People would be surprised to find how our perceptions build an unnoticed wall around our instinctive judgment all the time.Perception’s power on our knowledge of things often goes under people’s notice and emphasis,and to discover its present sometimes needs one’s second glance.To take myself as example,I used to hate bananas,which means if there are different fruits put in front of me,I never picked the banana for myself.When someone else offered me the yellow fruit,depending on whether that is my parent or others,I would probably refuse or just leave it on the table,or even hide it under the sitting pad in case that nobody should be embarrassed because my reluctance and,most important of all,to reduce the risk of getting blamed by parents.At that time,that yellow bar and its smell simply made me feel uncomfortable,a feeling of dizzy.Things kept in this way for years but after years,I gradually accepted that fruit—it tastes not that unwelcomed and sick.And later on by chance,I figured out the reason of the entire thing.Banana is praised for its impressive ability of reducing people’s blood pressure,which is great for many others but nothing for me.When I was young,I was almost like beanpole with hair on top,suffering from malnutrition for years.Every time my parent would bring back the banana after work and asked me to finish one before the dinner,which was every time a total disaster for my already low enough blood pressure and cause me dizzy.That is why I unconsciously related the smell of banana to the feeling of dizzy and tried to avoid it all the time as a skinny child.However,when I gradually overcame the problem of lacking appetite and grew up,the curse of banana just disappeared.The effect of the perception of eating bananas hides so deeply inside of me that I could not even told why I just hate bananas when I was a child.The perception of discomfort built a wall between me and bananas that defined my knowing of bananas as a bad fruit.
  Languages,the products of human knowing,however turn out to affect people’s instinctive judgment.Some describe the communication between two languages as pouring wine from one bottle into another.Same information could relate to two entirely different things.For instance,“breakfast,”which labels the meal in the morning for English speakers,does not necessary equal as Chinese“Zaocan”(the first meal in the morning for Chinese),because the English word“breakfast”mostly relates to sandwiches,coffee,or salads,but“Zaocan”for Chinese is completely another picture—consists Chinese bread(Baozi),congee(Zhou).In the aspect of instinctive judgment,if a western husband asked his Chinese wife to cook all the meals for him and he would put clothes into washing machine in return,is it a fair trade for the wife?For most of Chinese the answer comes without thinking,which is NOT fair.Because the same concept“meals”in Chinese links to a labor work costs every time at least more than half hour,though in English it probably sometimes also works as a wrap of some sausages and vegetables,which means for English that could be a fair deal in some way.Other examples of poor equivalence between languages go beyond saying.Though the dog symbolizes royalty and courage,the metaphor of someone as a dag could be extremely offensive in some cultures.In these cases,language’s impact goes without people’s notice and varies people’s views on things,which in the end bias the judgment.
  Above are examples of how ways of knowing serve as check on people’s intuition thinking,but what should not be neglected is that in different areas,people’s knowing have different patterns.
  Perception mainly leads our intuition judgments in our daily life experiences.In daily life,people take numerous alternatives everyday.Some of these just happen without thinking,including how high one should lift the feet when climbing up the stairs,and how much cold water to add in order to cool hot water down.But some come out occasionally and fail the simple solution from perceptions that people experience in the past.For instance,when asked the question that which one is easier to freeze,hot water or room temperature water,many people will answer without hesitation that the answer should be room temperature water.However,it is not.Actually the best way to look into the thing should be starting with the mechanism of how water becomes ice—because the molecules of hot water moves faster and get in touch with the coldness faster so that hot water takes less time to freeze.People get the wrong impression is because they feel the temperature gap between room temperature water and ice is smaller.This example shows us that in daily life settings,people tend to rely more on direct perception.
  In compare with science experiments which base on reasoning,in area that involves ethics factors,instinctive judgment would even be seriously biased.A moral dilemma was once raised in an online forum.It is a common commitment that human life is the most valuable thing on earth which worth all efforts in salvation without exceptions.But what if one has perpetrated every conceivable crime and is unpardonably wicked,is the commitment still applicable in his/her case?For example,if a passenger saw a man falling onto the trail when the train is rushing into the station,which means the man is exposed to a fatal danger.However,the passenger knew the man has committed several infant murders,which in some degree means his life does not worth to save,and for this reason the passenger started self-struggle.Normally in other live-or-die situation,people’s judgment would be easy—just save him.But here since the man is a murderer,the decision becomes complicated,which from aside proves the ethical influence on people’s instinctive decision.Similar dilemma also exists that when a driver drives towards two trails which separately on one side a kid is playing alone and on the other one three adults are walking on it,which side he should chose?In this case,the problem is also caused by a moral predicament where presents no perfect status.
  Even though instinctive judgment refers to the decisions made without any thinking,this activity,in the end,involves a series of interactions within a short time,with human experiences.The word“instinctive”does not mean the judgment is rough and mostly wrong,but actually it is a part of people’s life which they strongly rely on.So,it should be sort of like the art of fuzz intelligence which combines ways of understanding(reasoning,intuition perception,emotion,memory,and etc.)and is divided into areas of understanding that emphasizes different technique of judgment.To accomplish the progress of predicting the content of a book by telling from its cover,people developed this complex system to help reduce making mistakes.Instinctive,therefore,should be regarded more as to modify the unconsciousness state but not the complexity of the act itself.To explore the way of human instinctive judgment,defining the WOKs and AOKs are like standing at the door shred but not means the reaching of the whole truth.All judgments are actually based on our past experiences,and the influential factors of reaching to these judgments are knitted in the WOKs and AOKs.




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